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新闻热词: 反三俗用英语怎么说?

[03-01 19:55:51]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  英语词汇   阅读:6865
概要:Culture Minister Cai Wu criticized the trend of "vulgar productions" and "kitsch" in print and on electronic Chinese media, and lashed out at publications with gossip and sensation
新闻热词: 反三俗用英语怎么说?,标签:职称英语词汇,商务英语词汇,http://www.xuexue6.com

Culture Minister Cai Wu criticized the trend of "vulgar productions" and "kitsch" in print and on electronic Chinese media, and lashed out at publications with gossip and sensational stories that advocate money worship and consumerism.


这里的vulgar productions就是“低俗作品”,即productions with low and unrefined character(低级、粗俗的作品)。文中提到的publications with gossip and sensational stories(用八卦奇闻做噱头的出版物)也是vulgar productions的一种。其中的sensational多指“引人注目的,耸人听闻的”意思,我们常说的“标题党”就可以用sensational headline writers来表示。

在英文报道中,“三俗”常用vulgar productions and kitsch来表示,kitsch是从德语中借来的一个词,指的是对现存艺术形式的低级模仿和复制,多译为“媚俗”。那么最近正在进行中的“反三俗”就可以用anti-vulgarity campaign表示.

之前,matchmaking shows(电视相亲节目)曾因为宣传money worship(拜金主义)而遭到批评。文化建设投入过低主要是因为部分地方政府不重视construction of basic public culture facilities(基层公共文化设施建设)而耗巨资修建一些vanity projects(面子工程),没有将文化建设真正纳入当地经济社会发展的全局进行规划和部署。

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