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Can money buy happiness?

[01-13 14:24:25]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  高中英语作文   阅读:6579
概要:Nowadays, a lot of people in society think the more money they have the more happiness they will obtain. As a result they will try their best to get money, even without considering the law. But in my
Can money buy happiness?,标签:高中英语作文网,高中英语作文范文,http://www.xuexue6.com

Nowadays, a lot of people in society think the more money they have the more happiness they will obtain. As a result they will try their best to get money, even without considering the law.

But in my view, the greatest happiness lies in one’s satisfaction with one’s surroundings. So long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy. It has nothing to do with a mount of money we have. Therefore, people shouldn’t pay too much attention money we have.

On the contrary (相反地) what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic outlook all the time.

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