- 01-13 今日事今日毕(Never Put Off Until Tomorrow Whst You Can
- 01-13 有必要进行空间探索吗?(Do We Need Space Exploration)
- 01-13 关于兴建造纸厂(On Building a Paper Factory)
- 01-13 不要让集卡影响你的学习(Dont Let Card Collecting
- 01-13 传统教育方式(Traditional Teaching Method)
- 01-13 第二课堂之我见(Comments on the Second Class)
- 01-13 渴望不考试(Desire for No Examination)
- 01-13 国外学习的利与弊(Studying Abroad)
- 01-13 邮票(Stamps)
- 01-13 海豚(Dolphin)
- 01-13 校园春色(Spring in Our School)
- 01-13 一场大雨(A Heavy Rain)
- 01-13 秦皇岛(Qinhuang Island)
- 01-13 第一场雪(First Snow)
- 01-13 拒抽二手烟(No Secondhand Smoke)
- 01-13 孔子(Confucius)
- 01-13 衣着(Clothing)
- 01-13 马戏团(The Circus)
- 01-13 微笑(Smiling)
- 01-13 一次夏令营(A Summer Camp)
- 01-13 我的烦恼(My Vexation)
- 01-13 给爸爸送伞(Send an Umbrella to Father)
- 01-13 体罚解决不了问题(Physical Punishment Cant Work)
- 01-13 我最喜欢的颜色(The Color I Love Best)
- 01-13 泰坦尼克号(Titanic)
- 01-13 爱心无价(Love is invaluable)
- 01-13 蘑菇(Mushroom)
- 01-13 猴子和椰子(The monkey and the coconut)
- 01-13 保护眼睛(Care of Eyes)
- 01-13 缤纷校园生活(Colourful school life)