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[03-01 20:16:26]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  趣味英语   阅读:6348
概要:So, you want to improve your English? At your age and level of language learning, there are some things you can‘t change. For example, you can‘t change ... - the innate (先天的、天生的) language learning abi

  So, you want to improve your English? At your age and level of language learning, there are some things you can‘t change. For example, you can‘t change ...

  - the innate (先天的、天生的) language learning ability that you were or were not born with;

  - your ability to distinguish (区分) between different sounds and your ability to make them;

  - your power of memorization (记住) and recall (回想).


  1、innate: 先天的、天生的

  经典例句:His innate business smell brought him fantanstic rich. 他先天的商业嗅觉给他带来了巨大的财富。

  2、recall: 回想;召回

  经典例句:Toyota has to recall 20,000 cars due to quality problem.由于质量问题,丰田公司要召回2万辆汽车。

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