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Don’t make friends on the Internet

[01-11 00:11:49]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  初二作文   阅读:6992
概要: Now more and more students make friends on the Internet. They think it’s interesting and they don’t have to be shy. But I don’t agree. I think make lots of friends on the Internet
Don’t make friends on the Internet,标签:初二作文题目,初二作文网,http://www.xuexue6.com


Now more and more students make friends on the Internet. They think it’s interesting and they don’t have to be shy. But I don’t agree. I think make lots of friends on the Internet is bad for us.

First, we know the world of the Internet is fanciful. we can’t make real friends on the Internet. I think a friend in need is a friend indeed. Second, as a middle school student, studying is our duty. Making friends on the Internet will waste much time. Third, sometimes making friends on the Internet is dangerous. We don’t the people before another computer is good or bad.

So we should be more and more careful if we want to make friends on the Internet.

Tag:初二作文初二作文题目,初二作文网初中作文 - 初二作文
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