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[09-29 19:47:50]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  求职自荐信   阅读:6217
概要:Hello, everyone. Today, it's my honor to introduce myself. My name is Zhang Lingyi. My English name is Jasmine. I`m 8 and come from shengli oilfield No.12 Primary School, Class 5 Grade 2. I'
Hello, everyone. Today, it's my honor to introduce myself. My name is Zhang Lingyi. My English name is Jasmine. I`m 8 and come from shengli oilfield No.12 Primary School, Class 5 Grade 2.
I'm am active girl. I like dancing ,because it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat apple and banana, for they`re tasty. My favourite colour is green. and I learn English in Shane English school on weekend, I like reading books and telling stories.
I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong ,and my mother is beautiful ,they all work in shengli oilfield. I`m a merit student and get on well with my classmates. To be a art teacher is my dream, because I want to help other children in the future.
Thank you! Please remember me!

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