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宾馆英语·在问讯处 (1)

[03-01 18:11:20]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  酒店英语   阅读:6860
概要:B: Yes, I know. Thanks.A: And then, you might keep your valuables: diamonds, necklace, ear-rings, etc., in the vault of the guest house.B: You give very good service in this guest house. Thank you a
宾馆英语·在问讯处 (1),标签:酒店英语口语,酒店英语情景对话,http://www.xuexue6.com

B: Yes, I know. Thanks.

A:  And then, you might keep your valuables:  diamonds, necklace, ear-rings, etc., in the vault of the guest house.

B: You give very good service in this guest house. Thank you a lot.

A: Thank you, Mr.Taylor. I hope you will enjoy staying here. In the mean time, the hot water supply in this guest house is from 6:00 a.m. up to 12:00 p.m..

B: Oh, that sounds good. I feel like taking a bath right now. I‘m used to having a .


Words and Expressions

amuse     vt. 给……娱乐;逗……乐

bowling     n. 保龄球

vedio     a. 图像的

game      n. 游戏

jolly      a. 极好

amusement      n. 娱乐

concern      n. v. 关心,涉及;关于

lobby      n. 门廊;门厅

valuable      n. 值钱物 a. 值钱的

diamond      n. 钻石、金刚石

necklace      n. 项圈,项链

ring      n. 戒指

vault      n. (银行)保险库

supply     v. 供应

bathing towel 浴巾

bathrobe      n. 浴衣

slipper      n. 拖鞋

shampoo      n. 洗发液(香波)v. 洗头

ashtray      n. 烟灰缸

shaver     n. 电动剃刀

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