- 名称:Supplier Quality Assurance Plan Guideline
- 类型:供应商评估
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:04-06 13:38:52
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- 语言简体中文
- 大小:6.99 MB
- 推荐度:4 星级
《Supplier Quality Assurance Plan Guideline》简介
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Abstract
1.2 Application
1.3 Purpose
1.4 Reading suggestions
2 Ericsson Procured Material Quality Assurance
2.1 The Procured Material Quality Assurance Organisation
2.2 The PMQA Organisation within Research and Development
2.3 The roles at Ericsson regarding the requirements on a component
2.4 The Ericsson Supplier Academy
2.5 Supplier Improvement Program (SIP)
3 Ericsson Quality Targets
3.1 PPM levels
3.2 Yield levels
3.3 Capability levels
4 Supplier Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP)
4.1 Purpose
4.2 Level and amount of work required
4.3 Quality Requirements Planning
4.4 SQAP Requirements
4.5 Execution and submission of the individual steps in the SQAP
5 PMQA and supplier processes in a typical high-volume project
5.1 Milestone 1
5.2 Milestone 2
5.3 Milestone 3
5.4 Milestone 4
5.5 Milestone 5
5.6 Milestone 6
5.7 Milestone 7
5.8 After milestone 7
6 The 10 steps in the SQAP
6.1 Design Producibility Review (DPR)
6.2 Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Process FMEA)
6.3 Design of Experiments
6.4 SPC and Inspection Plan
6.5 Preparation for the Serial Process Verification Run (Preparation SPVR)
6.6 Quality Plan for Sub-suppliers
6.7 Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility
6.8 Capability Studies
6.9 Process Sample Approval (PSA)
6.9.1 Dimensional check of Process Samples
6.9.2 Functionality and Reliability of Process Samples
6.9.3 Cosmetics of Process Samples
6.10 Serial Process Verification Run (SPVR)
6.10.1 The process capability study
6.10.2 The capacity verification
7 SPVR results and actions
7.1 General requirements
7.2 Possible scenarios and recommended actions, 大小:6.99 MB
Tag:供应商评估,供应商评估表,供应商风险评估,企业管理资料 - 生产管理 - 供应商评估