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[03-01 19:42:27]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  医学英语   阅读:6519
概要:The same was not true of smallpox. An eradication campaign that began in 1966, when up to 2 million people a year were dying of smallpox, ended in 1980, when the disease had disappeared from the face

  The same was not true of smallpox. An eradication campaign that began in 1966, when up to 2 million people a year were dying of smallpox, ended in 1980, when the disease had disappeared from the face of the earth.

  These mass campaigns against single diseases gave way to WHO‘s Expanded Programme on Immunization aimed at protecting by the year 2000 all children against six vaccine-preventable diseases - measles, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis and tuberculosis. Global coverage with the vaccines reached its peak in 1990, when the goal of immunizing 80% of all children by the age of 1 year was achieved. The long-term goal of the multiagency children s vaccine initiative, launched in 1990, is to achieve a world in which all people at risk are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases, if possible by means of a single procedure.

  Health for all

  In 1979 the World Health Assembly unanimously endorsed the Declaration of Alma-Ata, which stated that primary health care was to be the key to attaining the goal of health for all by the year 2000.

  Consequently global targets for health were established and have since been the norms against which all health development efforts have been measured. The strategy of health for all has been endorsed at the highest political level, but a gap remains between what is preached and what is practised.

  Setting the standards

  The establishment of standards in such fields as vaccines, drugs and laboratory tests has been a permanent part of WHO‘s work. The WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization has met every year since 1951 to formulate standards which are recognized worldwide. The scientific credibility of WHO provides a guarantee that everyone accepts.

  Training physicians, raising the standards of medical schools in developing countries and helping countries organize schools for nurses and midwives has also been a permanent feature of WHO‘s work. The concept of primary health care has switched much of the emphasis to training directed towards a wide range of health care workers at community level, particularly in developing countries, rather than towards health professionals as such.

  The way ahead

  WHO‘s general programmes of work, now covering periods of six years, set out principles and policies for the functioning of the Organization. They also provide a framework for detailed workplans and budgeting. Over the years the programmes have responded to, and often anticipated, the major health concerns of Member countries. The ninth programme (1996-2001) fixes goals and targets for WHO‘s global health action. It focuses on lessening of inequities in health, control of rising costs, the eradication or elimination of selected infectious diseases, the fight against chronic diseases, and the promotion of healthy behaviour and a healthy environment.

  The challenge for the future is to mobilize WHO‘s Member States to adopt policies and plans that will guarantee the provision of comprehensive integrated health services for all.

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